Hello, my name is Lucas.

Welcome to my website !

Hello !

I am Lucas a.k.a Intermarch3

computer development student


Who i am ?

I'm Lucas, i'm french and i'm 16 years old.
I want to be a dev to improve daily life.
I know several language such as :
- Python 🐍
- Javascript ✨
- C# in unity for making games 🎮
- PlantUML for graphics 📈

I want to learn more and more because i ❤ coding.
Look right for my main languages and their skill rate.


My projects

illustration of ecole-direct-in-cmd


Ecole direct in python to get his : course schedule, grade, homeworks ... unfinished project

Language : python

illustration of pong game


My Pong game in python with Pygame made in 2022

Language : python

screenshot of my quiz website

Quizz Website

Little site whith a quizz on song digitalisation without any library

Language : HTML/CSS/JS

screenshot of my quiz website


a little software who get trucks images

Language : Python

screenshot of my first website

My first website

my first website made in 2020. It's the description of the movie Black Panther. It's a School project

Language : HTML/CSS

Just say Hi

I'm not looking for a job yet but anything is possible.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any project or just to talk on my social networks.
it's me ! Now it's your turn to say hello.